Thursday, July 7, 2011

One with the river

My friend and I sometimes walk upstream in the Virgin River for exercise on hot summer Saturday mornings. Last Saturday we walked farther than ever before. As we turned downstream for the return trip we wondered what would happen if we gave ourselves entirely to the knee-high meandering waters? Would they support two riverbed wanderers?

We bottomed out in a spot or two at the widest points, barely bumping over pebbly rapids or washing up against soft sandbars. For the better part of a half hour we relaxed completely into the river's arms, becoming one with the cosmic universe in a way never quite experienced before. There's something peacefully freeing about letting the gentle brown current of a desert stream lift and carry you wherever it will. 

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Miracles in cars

Today at a stoplight the passenger in the car next to me was a very elderly man playing with a baby doll. For the first few seconds I pitied him. Then I thought about the miracles babies have been in my life. Three babies blessed our young married lives and grew to be even greater blessings. My toddler grandson is so full of giggles, and this typing was interrupted by a phone call telling me I am going to get a grand-daughter. I'm so excited!

When I am elderly, I hope someone is thoughtful enough to give me a baby doll to play with if my grand-children are not close by or I am not able to play with them well.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Hide 'n' Seek with one-year-olds

It's so much fun to play Hide 'n' Seek with a one-year-old! If you've never done it, I highly recommend you run right out and find a one-year-old to try it with. (Just don't take her home if she doesn't belong to you.)

All you have to do is mash your big body behind something slightly larger and at least 10 yards away from the one-year-old seeker. Giggles begin percolating immediately as the drooling seeker wobbles on their cute little chubby one-year-old legs toward your hiding place. When you make eye contact prepare for a hooting explosion. It's my new favorite hobby and I'm going to get to do it TOMORROW! Hurray for grandchildren!

My Blog Is Still Here

It's not that I haven't been grateful. Life has been so full of things to be grateful for that I haven't had a minute to enter a blog post. And then I hadn't posted for so long I forgot my blog address. But today I am grateful for a stretch of minutes long enough for me to do some remembering and backtracking and voile! Once again, I post. Yay!